Felix Claus
Felix Claus’s lecture looks back on 37 years of practice – in a profession meant to serve people and society, according to Felix. Inspired by the principle of equality as depicted by Rembrandt’s Staalmeesters, Felix considers every assignment equal and deserving of equal attention. Felix takes us through the conditions, preconditions and frameworks that steered the development of his work. He organised these conditions into three concepts: place, time and construction technology. Regarding place, Felix emphasises the layered meaning and historically developed breeding ground of the Netherlands and particularly Amsterdam. He has repeatedly been inspired and guided by local factors, typologies, historical layers and details. Through the condition of time, Felix seizes the opportunity to name the different phases in the urban, social, professional, and spatial-political contexts that have coloured his oeuvre. While providing insight into the rapid change of context, he pokes gentle fun out at some of those ideas from certain times that do not stand the test of time. Under the heading of construction technology, Felix illustrates his preference for materials, detail and craftsmanship, which, under all those changing circumstances, remains consistently imitable in his work. The lecture ends with a personal statement that once again emphasises the importance of coherence, helpful design, a critical approach to architecturally historical benchmarks, and – above all – maintaining a continuous search for the essence of architecture.