Flagship store Bucherer
Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich
Flagship store Bucherer
Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich
Transformation of the flagship store for the Swiss jeweller Bucherer
Address: Bahnhofstrasse 50, Zürich
Gross floor area: 1.080 m²
Client: Bucherer AG, Lucerne
Architecture: Office Haratori, Zurich; Mercè Portell (project manager), Zeno Vogel
with Office Winhov, Amsterdam; Jan Peter Wingender, Uri Gilad
Collaborators: Nahoko Hara, Jürg Spaar, Ana Menino-Silva (competition / project); Soledad Pertinez, Annina Gutherz, Elena Pasini, Yllza Fejza, Aya Yamagata, Marie Séon (project / execution)
Process photos: office haratori
Project photos: Georg Aerni
Awards: Best Buildings of the City of Zürich and Marketing + Architecture Award
Flagship store Bucherer
Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich

The flagship store in Zürich for the Swiss jeweller Burcherer is a renovation of the existing building that dates from 1961. The building heads a small perimeter block on the corner of Bahnhofstrasse and the historic Kuttelgasse. The existing natural stone facade is replaced with a regular facade grid made up of angled marble elements. The recessed surfaces in the facade contain the windows for the offices on the upper floor. At the corner, the elements develop into bay windows, orientating the building towards the perspective of the Bahnhofstrasse. The plinth, with typical shop windows, will be constructed of poured bronze elements with decorative patterning.

Flagship store Bucherer
Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich
Bucherer Flagship Store, facade Bahnhofstrasse
The old building from 1961
Persppective of the marble elements along the Bahnhofstrasse
Reference: Jan Schoonhoven
Corner Bahnhofstrasse and Kuttelgasse
Detail of the facade elements
The marble from the Cristallina quarry
Bucherer Flagship Store, facade Bahnhofstrasse
The casted bronze shop window
The facade and plinth along the Kuttelgasse
The casted bronze plinth
Crafting the mold for the bronze elements
Bronze in a wax casting technique
The new straicase
The temporary entrance of Bucherer on the Bahnhofstrasse
Marble façade elements