The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Transformation and renovation of the reception areas and public halls, and a long-term vision for the restoration of the historic complex.
Address: Kloveniersburgwal 27,29,31 Amsterdam
Client and owner: Central Government Real Estate Agency
User: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Architecture: Office Winhov with HOEK architecture & preservation
Team: Joost Hovenier, Uri Gilad, Anna Karina Janssen, Charles Hueber, Carlo van Steen, Rutger van der Meer, Steven Reisinger, Rogier van den Brink, Camille Moreau, Myrsini Alexandridi
Building site photos: Wijnanda Duits
Photographer: René de Wit, Max Hart Nibbrig
Awards: Interior of the Year, Architectenweb Awards 2020 and Gouden A.A.P. 2020
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

The Trippenhuis is part of a complex of several buildings, built between 1660 and 1662 for the brothers Louis and Hendrick Trip, rich traders in arms and ammunition. The design is by Justus Vingboons. The Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) has been housed in the Trippenhuis since 1812 and the complex offers space for employees and guests. The spatial layout of the Trippenhuis is characterized by a structure of halls and rooms along the facades. These halls, such as the Rembrandt Hall - where the Night Watch once hung - are defined by their use, proportion, wall finishes and ceiling decoration. In the new public areas, design motifs from the historic building return in a contemporary manner. New facilities, supporting maintenance equipment and technology are seamlessly integrated into the design. The facades on the street side and the courtyard are clad with cast, bronze panels; a reference to the 'metal trade' business of the original residents. The new, visibly clear reception and auditorium enable the KNAW to redefine their changing role in society, with an inviting and representative "face" to the city of Amsterdam.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
The stairs
Historical situation Trippenhuis, ca. 1870
The new face to the Kloveniersburgwal
View from the reception area
View to the street side
Corner detail of the garden room
The monumental boardroom
View through the new lounge
Entrance hall to the conference space
View from the new bar
View to the monumental entrance
Material concept new entrance
View to the garden
The demolition of a column, September 2018
Model overview of the rooms
The monumental library
The new design for the Tinbergenzaal
View from the Tinbergenzaal
The 'golden' stairs to the podium
The Tinbergenzaal
Detail of cladding element
Casting the bronze panels for the facade elements
The new casted bronze facade